Less Lisa


2 more weeks.

Posted by Lisa in LessLisa

I can’t believe I only have just over 2 more weeks until the end of the challenge already. As of this morning, I’m not feeling very positive about winning. It’s just about ‘that time’ and the scale is up a bit. I know that is why, but still, it is discouraging.

So I had a small breakfast, a small snack, and since the weather is GORGEOUS today, like it’s going to be almost 70!!! I’m going to go and walk @ lunch. That’s definitely one positive way to make the ‘gloomies’ go away.

I woke up with morning with a crappy ‘I’m NEVER going to do this’ attitude (meaning getting to goal or even just being comfortable with myself…I’ve pretty much let go of the idea of a perfect body at this point), and right after I talked negatively to myself, I completely chewed myself out. After I talked to me, I decided that I do NOT want to stay this way. It’s NOT hopeless. It IS do-able. Me, myself and I simply MUST chat more often.

The psycho-ward DOES have reservations for me, in case you are hoping wondering.

Anyone who was looking for my weight loss blinkies and has NOT received them yet, please leave me a comment here, or on my ‘Tools’ page and I’ll get them to you ASAP. Thanks to an AMAZING reader, who had all of them saved and sent them to me, I now have them :)

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  1. nathalie said,

    on March 19th, 2007 at 5:17 am

    Hey Lisa :) I’m back from holidays!
    I just had to laugh so much, cause you used the word crappy :))
    Come on, cheer up, there’s no point moaning around, i’m positive you’re gonna make this!!!!
    Shooooooooooo away the negative thoughts
    More later,
    nath xxx

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