Friday, July 13, 2012

Wanna do some math?

Posted by Lisa on 12.30.06

Are you bored? Would you like to figure out an equasion? Get your thinking caps on… Holiday food + much sedentary time + alcohol + family parties = ??? Answer: Failure & Bulk I know it’s ‘that time of year’ and most everyone is probably feeling this right now. I despise it. So what have [...]

How YOU doin’??

Posted by Lisa on 12.26.06

Christmas was AMAZING. I hope yours was as magical. My brother and his wife flew in from California and arrived Christmas Eve. My dad was the only one who didn’t know they were coming in. He did a double take. He was floored!!! Then my brother and his wife presented my mom and dad with [...]

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

Posted by Lisa on 12.18.06

I’m so stoked for Christmas! I think it’s a fight between myself and my girls as to who is the MOST excited. We have alot going on right now, so like the rest of you, I may not be around here much until after the Holiday excitement dies down a bit. Clint and I have [...]

Crap, Crappier, Crappiest, and Crappier-est

Posted by Lisa on 12.12.06

Just an inkling of how I feel right now. I’m due for my ‘time’ in about 10-12 days…and the symptoms are already starting…my clothes are tight from bloating, the scale is up from bloating, I feel sick to my stomach, I have a nasty head cold starting with an unbelieveably sore throat..I feel crappy from [...]

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Posted by Lisa on 12.06.06

Ok…I think this is THEE quietest my visitors have ever been! There are like 3 or 4 posts in a row now with no comments…what’s up people!?!?!?! I know it’s that time of year where there is food more than plentiful, but please tell me you all haven’t given up?? Let me know that you [...]

Crappy boring update + a plug

Posted by Lisa on

So…first, I am gonna start with a huge THANK YOU to Jana for solving my ‘Pages’ problem that I posted about (then removed after she fixed my problem)…She’s the BEST HOSTESS EVER if you are ever looking for a place to host your site…I’ll get her link up on this new layout later today…she’s the [...]

Blah, blah, nuttin much, yeah, uh-huh

Posted by Lisa on 12.01.06

No real reason for a post, but you know me…SOMETHING will come out. Diet-wise. I’m pretty happy with myself. I have allowed some focus from myself to actually be applied to myself. I have removed ‘diet’ from my life. We’ll see how that works out, but so far so good. I’m eating a small healthy [...]
