Posted by Lisa on 04.30.05
Down 4.5 this week :) I’m so excited :) I have update my weight chart now, although a few weigh-ins are not there, it shows the gain that I had over a months time or better, and now my latest loss and current weight. I am going to stick with updating it weekly so it [...]
Posted by Lisa on 04.28.05
Another day chalked up to awesome eating and moving :) It is not quite 8:00 p.m. and I have 10,720 steps cranked out on my pedometer and I still need to hit Lippy tonight…how awesome is that?!?! My eating today was awesome again, and even though my official weigh-in isn’t until Saturday, this morning I [...]
Posted by Lisa on 04.27.05
Today I gave blood…for the first time in 15 years. I was a senior in high school the last time I had given blood. Not that I haven’t wanted to do it again, just never have. Today I did. My one pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. How COOL is that?!?! Doesn’t [...]
Posted by Lisa on 04.25.05
Not a whole lot to report today. I am doing awesome with my points and just need to get my butt back on Lippy. We’re ordering pizza tonight. Domino’s pizza. Their thin crust is THEE best. I get a thin crust pizza with garlic sauce instead of pizza sauce and tomatoes and mushrooms for toppings. [...]
Posted by Lisa on 04.23.05
I weighed in this morning, and I’m a perfect maintain, yet again. HOW?? Maybe Mel’s right…I’m not eating enough…I also haven’t been journaling at all…and that is a definitely HAVE TO DO kinda thing. So I cracked open my journal, clicked my pen, and got to it first thing this morning…every bite will be tracked, [...]
Posted by Lisa on 04.21.05
Looks like Greymatter is working ok, but for some reason, some of my entries from 2003 are now below this entry…but I do see some of my old archives re-appearing at the bottom…so thank you jana, whatever you may be doing :) I’m happy to see my archives back :) Just click the ‘april 2005′ [...]
Posted by Lisa on
Just testing new greymatter
Posted by Lisa on 04.05.05
Greymatter is acting goofy, and for some reason is not letting my archives come up. It only has April entries showing, so if you are trying to access the last few entries and can’t, I’m sure they will be back soon. Hopefully. When they do show, for some reason they are showing in an old [...]
Posted by Lisa on 04.03.05
Last week we were at 70 degrees. Last night and today? We now have over 2 FEET of snow on the ground. Lovely. Today was kick @$$ for me. I did tremendous on my food intake, and even more amazing on my exercise. On Lippy today, I managed 624.8 calories burned (195.2 fat calories), 1.546 [...]