I am about in tears right now…This is not going to be a pretty post, so please skip it if you prefer…this sounds so stupid, and I’m sorry to post this here, but this is what JUST came through in my guestbook: (I AM going to leave this in my guestbook and will NOT erase it, so everyone can see what an insensitive person you are…too bad you don’t have the courage to share your contact info with me)…
What is your name? Jenna
Do you have any comments? Why won’t you adopt a kid? There are thousands of unwanted children in this world who desperately need homes. It’s a shame some people are so fixated on having a mini me that they prefer to put themselves through the torture and enormous expense of infertility treatments rather than adopt.
I can’t even afford health insurance because it’s so expensive, and yet you think they should be forced to cover infertility treatments? Yah, let’s make the rates go even higher.
No e-mail, URL, nothing…just a snotty little note…OBVIOUSLY she didn’t read my site, because I HAVE two beautiful girls…Don’t you DARE write to me, and tell me to adopt without giving myself and my body a chance to create life. I have a DISEASE that prevented me for a LONG period of time from becoming pregnant, and having a child of my own. Before you go accusing me of JACKING UP YOUR INSURANCE RATES…you need to chill and find out more about ME and my STORY.
I DID look into adoption…when the infertility got to be too stressful, that was our intention. That was our plan from the beginning of knowing that we may NEVER be able to have a baby of our own. I never ONCE ruled out adoption. I KNOW there are plenty of kids that need good homes, and ours was wide open for one of them. Have YOU ever looked into what adoption takes??????????? It is ALOT more expensive than some infertility treatments…If I couldn’t even afford half of my infertility treatments, how in the WORLD was I going to come up with 10’s of thousands of dollars to have a beautiful child adopted into my home???
Let me ask YOU a few things ‘Jenna’…do YOU have kids of your own??? Did YOU adopt??? Don’t you DARE come here and throw stones at me for wanting to create and give birth to my own child before rushing into adoption! At the time that I found out that I WAS pregnant with my first daughter, I actually had 2 adoption seminars that myself and my husband had scheduled to go to, to get the ball rolling on it…Then I found out I was blessed with a pregnancy…
It has NOTHING to do with having a ‘mini-me’ as you so graciously put it…this is a dream that I have had since I was VERY young…my ONLY dream was to have a family of my own…not a career, not fame, not fortune…to be glowing during pregnancy, and experience the miracle of creating a life inside of me and giving birth to this precious baby…You CANNOT condemn me for those feelings…
I’m sorry that you cannot afford your insurance rates…Just remember your own cruel words if *God Forbid* something that is physically and emotionally draining on you, and is causing you NUMEROUS health problems (including potential cancer), is not covered by YOUR insurance…Then you can EAT these words…
For those of you that know me, you KNOW this is a touchy subject for me. Even though I have my 2 daughters now, a total of 10 YEARS (6 before Abbie and 4 more before Megan) of infertility is what I dealt with. Even though infertility is no longer a problem for me, OTHER health issues from PCOS ARE…and I will NEVER forget the pain felt during these years…and I will NEVER let anyone get away with making this out to be a “selfish, ‘mini-me-making’ incredibly-insensitive” issue…Until YOU have been in MY shoes, and know what myself, my husband AND my family went through you have NO reason to tell me that *I* am the one making things bad for YOU…