Less Lisa

weight loss


Calories Schmalories

Weekends suck when you diet.  I blew it this weekend.  My own doings.

Remember that jinx I thought I removed from myself after the last post?  Must’a not.

Anyways, bad weekend full of good food and friends has me feeling bloated and blah today, but I’ve packed my Special K breakfast, and got myself a huge salad with Chick peas and slivered almonds and FF dressing for lunch and a banana for a snack, and I’m good to go and back on track.

Weekends are so hard.  WHY?  I have self-control (or so I thought)…I seem to do so much better during the week when I have a schedule…work keeps me busy so I don’t have a problem there, but when I’m home all day on weekends, it’s tough…even though I worked my butt off in the house this weekend, I doubt it counteracted the food.

Just have to step up workouts this week and hope for the best next weekend.  We’re having a fancy tea party for the girls’ birthday party on Saturday, so I will be able to figure my calories before hand and behave myself. 

At least it’s not taking me weeks at a time to get back on track anymore…I have found the control to jump back on when I should…which actually should have been 2 days ago, but hey…today’s pretty good

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 10.02.06
At 9:51 am
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3 Comments for this post

Stephanie Says:

SORRY my Little Man (Joey 19 mths.) helped me a bit by submitting part of a post. Anyhow, what I was saying is you didn’t do the “I blew it this weekend so I will start my calorie counting/healthy eating in a week from the next solar eclipse!” You realize what happened and you are putting it behind you. So YAY for Lisa!!!
Today is my 3 year anniversary with My Big Guy so I am extra peppy today lol.
I am going to try your approach with the scale even though it makes my tummy nervous just thinking about it. I got on it this morning (I am pretty much weighing everyday now) and it hasn’t budged since last week and I wanted to cry. I ate well I exercised my booty off and NOTHING UGH! Was it hard to put your scale away? I do truly feel addicted to mine even though I want to cry everytime I see the number on it. I am very lucky to have found a wonderful group of women on the e-diets guest support board and they have gotten me through so many bad days. I used to try to keep everything to myself because , I am Mom and I can handle everything (Yeah right) and I have learned to lean on other people when I need that support. I mean Joe is great but, sometimes he just doesn’t understand the things I struggle with because food isn’t an issue to him. He can decide to drop some weight and do it with no problem. Then he can gain and it doesn’t bother him. He doesn’t stand and stare at the mirror in disgust like I do.
You made me smile and sigh just a little when you talked about talking to someone and worrying about whether your shirt is hiding your tummy or not. We had our anniversary weekend this weekend and on Friday night while Joe was at work I spent 2 hours trying on everything in my closet on and then standing on a stool to see the full effect in the bathroom mirror. I rejected 90 % of the outfits because if I moved my arms a certain way my shirt would come up and show to much of my stomach. Hey at least hauling my butt up and down the stool should count as some exercise right??? I am at that inbetween stage where the clothes that are bigger are too big and the clothes that are smaller are too small. I don’t want to go buy new clothes that may only fit for a month or two (hopefully) because it feel so wasteful. Hmm can we ever really win?
Gotta run the day-care kids are done eating.
Keep up your good work and don’t get discouraged.

Stephanie Says:

Ok I am totally looking dumb here. I thought Joey submitted the first part of the last post so I only typed the rest of it out. However I have no clue where the boy sent that first part to. So here it is at the end instead of the beginning.
Hi Lisa, reading what you had to say the other day was really helpful to me as well. It is nice when you know you aren’t alone. So, first off YAY Lisa congrats on 6 really good days you did great and it is so hard when you are first starting out. Second, yes you had a bad weekend we all do sometimes but, you are doing so great by getting right back on track.

Ok now I know these post look crazy but, this was actually the first part of the last post.

Stephanie Says:

Hey Lisa,
Just wanted to check in and see how Monday went for you. It is always a little rough trying to get back on track. I thought of you when I was picking my breakfast (Special K with Red Berries or oatmeal with pecans) so I decided to pop on and see how you did.
I am hanging in there too. Exercised this morning with the med. ball for 30 min. which I guess is better than nothing. lol
PS look my whole post is here AND in the right order.


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