I have been in awe of the workout balls that are all the rage for awhile now. They look awesome and I have been told they make you feel really uncoordinated on them at first, but after you get the hang of it, it’s really a great workout piece. I do awesome on my Lippy, but I think I need a little more added in to work my belly and other areas a bit more. So here it is…

Click here to see her…

I got her at Wal-Mart…did you see the price on that site??? I got her for $13.99 at Wal-Mart. Sears also has a set of 3 on sale right now for $19.99 or $29.99 I can’t remember which, but if you have been thinking of getting one, that would be a great deal too.

Now to come up with a name for her too…can’t let her feel left out…’Nubby’ maybe? I’ll think of something Go and see her, then if you feel creative, leave me a comment with a name for the little lady Of course when Clint called (he comes home Friday finally, BTW, almost a MONTH since I’ve seen him) he had OTHER ideas that it could come in handy for…ummm…little too much info, huh? LOL Hey it’s been awhile…

I’ll leave you with that thought…if you DO decide to continue your visits here, Bless You