Less Lisa

weight loss


Just a quickie

My total minutes for today’s challenge day : 0 minutes.
Total Activity Points earned : 0
Total Steps (pedometer): 6,019
Total Points Used: 26 (26 is target)

Total minutes for the AKC week: 115 minutes (Monday 70 min; Tuesday 45 min; Wednesday 0 min)

Listened to my body tonight and skipped the workout time. One night off is needed once in a while. Especially when your body screams at you. I had some pain in my chest today, like a pulled muscle feeling, and my butt and hips are sore from the last few days workouts. I definitely think I did the right thing by listening to my body. I’m learning

It wasn’t a sit-around-do-nothing-day in the least. I still logged over 6,000 steps on my pedometer. And that is WITHOUT intentional exercise.

Heading to bed a bit earlier than normal as I want to wake up early enough to get in some time on Lippy. She looked sad tonight.

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 11.16.05
At 11:21 pm
Comments :

1 Comment for this post

Scott Says:

Smart move, listening to your body. I used to push myself too hard, get an injury, and get very discouraged. I also wanted to say thanks for the link. You rock, Lisa.


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