Less Lisa

weight loss


Christmas in October

Driving down my road after work today, I could see a lovely ‘You’ve got Mail’ box hanging on my mailbox!!! LOVE that It is my new Palm Pilot I won on Ebay for a measly $28.00 shipping included…deal or what?? I have never owned one and am completely drooling over it. Then I OPEN the mailbox. Junk, Junk, Junk, Junk, then I see it…a make-you-happy-cuz-it’s-not-junk yellow envelope. It’s got the cutest things written all over it…

I’m at 48 oz.! where are you?
Oh man! I only have 2 points left for the day
Yah! I stayed on track for a whole week!
MMM pudge brownies with FF cool whip!
How many points do you have?

It’s a surprise envelope from Karen. You won’t even believe this. She sent me a 3 DVD set of Winsor Pilates. I have been DYING to order one of those DVD’s…I’ve always been so curious about it…and she sent them to me!!!! I’m SOO dang excited Thank you AGAIN Karen!!!!

AND my new Weight Watchers magazine even came today!!! I had a mailbox full of joy

I weighed in at 250 this morning That is 4 lbs. so far this week…I want to get at LEAST one more by Monday…I want those 240’s SOOO bad. I used 22 pts. for today. Still having a hard time getting water down. I’m thirsty, but can’t down the water like I was. Ever since I started this medication, I almost feel gaggy when I try and drink it down…so I have to sip it to get it in and it’s literally cut my water intake in half…so I’m still working on that…

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 10.21.05
At 11:22 pm
Comments :

2 Comments for this post

Christy Says:

Just had to “de-lurk” for this one….

You’ll LOVE WInsor Pilates. A little tough at first, you don’t really get sweaty, it only takes 20 minutes a day and you see results!!

I’ve been luring here for a long time. I have a LOT fo weight to lose and so far things are not moving. :O(

You’re my encouragement to keeping hitting the gym.

WTG, you’re doing great!

Heather Says:

Hi, I used to have all your little weight loss blinkies, but my pc crashed, and I lost them all. Any way, my blog is stuck at showing a 80 pound blinkie and I have actually lost 93 pounds. Is there any way you could send me your collection of I’ve lost X lbs! blinkies, all the ones from 93 on, or let me know where I can download them myself. I love having them on my blog! Thanks in advance. BTW, I love this blog graphic set!


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