Less Lisa

weight loss


Ok…no scale

I only weighed in yesterday *coughjenn* because I wanted to see if I had indeed lost more than just the 2 lbs. because of my crappy monthly… LOL But I AM back on the scale boycott… I will NOT, I repeat, NOT weigh in again until Monday I am seriously SO on a roll and keeping my points low and exercising and feeling completely wonderful

My brothers wedding is next weekend…we leave for Jersey on October 7 We are all just SO excited to head there. Hopefully this trip will be a little more uneventful, at least until we arrive, then it can be as full of fun events as it wants Just no accidents this time

Gotta get moving again…have a great day!!!!

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 09.29.05
At 10:28 am
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