Less Lisa

weight loss


Challenge Day #5

Just a quick update…it’s 11:30 p.m. we just got home from a baseball game in Cleveland…it was a blast..fireworks afterwards and all, great night

I used 28/28 points today had a 1.5 mile walk at work today (25 minutes) and had just over 6,000 steps recorded on my pedometer…

I think it’s going to take a few days to get my pedometer working correctly. I measured my stride length and put it in the pedometer, and it is showing each step I take pretty close I think, but the miles walked isn’t correct at all…I did over 6,000 steps and yet it only shows that I did 1.6 miles today ALL DAY…I did 1.5 miles in just my walk at work…so I KNOW it’s wrong…I just need to figure out what needs to be changed so that it reads correctly…

We’re having a house full tomorrow, but I already have my food planned out and ready to take it all on Should be a great day

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 06.18.05
At 12:00 pm
Comments :

1 Comment for this post

Melissa Says:

Have a good wkend Lisa..sounds like you have it all under control with a good plan of action.

Hugs, Mel


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