Less Lisa

weight loss


!! WOOT !!

Another day chalked up to awesome eating and moving It is not quite 8:00 p.m. and I have 10,720 steps cranked out on my pedometer and I still need to hit Lippy tonight…how awesome is that?!?!

My eating today was awesome again, and even though my official weigh-in isn’t until Saturday, this morning I was down 5 lbs. from Monday morning. All this time, nothing was happening, now all of a sudden it’s like it’s MELTING…I don’t wanna get all cocky here about it, because we all know it can stop whenever it feels it doesn’t want to bring me joy anymore, but for now, I’m running with it…

I had a few long e-mails with Mel the other night. I’m following WW and she’s doing Atkins. I have been watching my points (although not filling them with the greatest choices), and until these past couple of days, was losing NOTHING. So I wrote to Mel and asked her some basics of Atkins, with the low-carb stuff and all. I wanted to combine the two in some way. Lower carbs, but still healthy lower-fat choices. Didn’t seem very do-able after seeing what all is allowed in Atkins, but I did decide that I am going to cut out any unnecessary carbs. Breads and pastas are going to be very limited, and junk food is just plain not allowed. And I’m telling you, already it’s WORKING. I’m a carb-addict for sure. That in itself wreaks havoc on my system. The PCOS does enough damage, but having the carbs/sugars just plain do me in. So I haven’t been anal about it, but basically what I have done the past 3 days is not had any unnecessary carbs. I did have a small amount of spaghetti last night for dinner and leftovers of it for lunch today, but that has been about all that I have had.

I also had read a few journals of people that are also doing WW and after doing WW for awhile, they were seeing the stalls and cutting their points back a little or adding a couple more points per day to stir things up. I have been keeping mine about 5 points lower per day also. I know I won’t be able to stay at that low of a point target for a long time, but for now, it’s seem to have jumped-started my body again. I remember when I was going to WW meetings they handed out a 20-point per day menu sheet that they said if you hit a stall you could lower your points for a week to get things going again, as long as you didn’t go below 20 points per day. Guess I needed a little change.

As for the ’secret’ I’ve been keeping, I’m also wondering if that is contributing to the changes all of a sudden too. If you remember me talking about it when I first mentioned it here, I said I had to do it for at least 30 days to see the changes start. Saturday will be 30 days. So that definitely could be a big factor in what’s going on right now too. I PROMISE on Saturday I will sit down here and get all the info together for you, along with what changes/results I am seeing, and spill it all

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 04.28.05
At 8:11 pm
Comments :

5 Comments for this post

Melissa Says:

LOL Whoohooo..I am so proud of you Lisa!! I firmly believe that all those processed foods/carbs/sugar are the pitfalls for so many of us and limiting them or cutting them out completely is key. Its not that you can’t ever have them again but I think you have to kind of detox yourself from them and then have them once in a while but be prepared that if you do have it…it could throw your body out of loop for a few days.

I am praying this is the corner you needed to turn for yourself and that you will see some good losses each week.

Now I am off to see Jenn lol

Lisa..I did my Friday weigh-in you can see it in my journal. )

Have a terrific weekend sweetie!
Hugs, Mel

kimmieindallas Says:

so cool! I’ve been doing so poorly. I actually weigh 20 lbs MORE than I did when dd was born 2 years ago. *sigh*

I can’t wait to hear about what you’ve been doing. Oh, and the carb thing, so true. I’m a big ole sugar addict. And it feeds on itself.

Jenn K Says:

HAY!! That is AWESOME girly ~ Keep it up I haven’t posted about this in my journal yet so you are gonna get the news first hand…

I started the South Beach Diet on Monday - starting weight on Monday was 182 - this morning was 176.5!! Cutting out those carbs really DOES work! ROFL I was SO stalled with WW. I’ve been at 182-180 for like 4 or 5 weeks and it was getting discouraging!! So I got the SBD book and read it, then decided to start it and it’s wonderful

Love ya!!

Jenn K Says:

OH Yeah.. btw… LOL Yes, you can pay me through PayPal if you wanna ([email protected]) or you can send a check or whatever ;) And YES, I’m singin again

tina Says:

I was wondering if you still lift weights? You haven’t mentioned it so I thought I’d ask. It really helps lower your body fat %. Best wishes on your continued losses.



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