Less Lisa

weight loss


More info on Flex Points

I have weigh-in tonight and I’m excited, both because I am down on the scale AND I get my new info in my hands on the Flex Points. Can’t wait…I need something to shake things up a bit.

I have new clothes coming again today from JCPenneys…my parents gave me a gift certificate for there for my birthday…so I can’t wait Clint came home about an hour late last night, and come to find out, he spent that hour at Wal-Mart finding me an AWESOME digital camera!!!! (My other b-day present from him) Could NOT believe it. I have wanted one since FOREVER. I always want to sell clothes, baby clothes, etc. on Ebay and I’m SO bad about having film developed, that it would take me forever to be able to do that. Plus I haven’t put new pictures up on my site in awhile, so once I figure this little thing out and I’m down a bit more, I’m going to post some new pictures So excited

The page I’m doing with all the tips and tricks of watching your weight is just about complete. Maybe tonight I will get it uploaded and ready for ya…there’s over 170 tips on this page…so it’ll be alot of reading, but I have done ALOT of reading for a long time to gather all this info. So, hopefully it will be beneficial for you

I just found this on the WW site. It tells a bit more about the new Flex Points. Here is some of the info posted, for those of you who were interested.

All foods have a POINTS� value.

And you are assigned a POINTS Target based on your weight.

You can eat the foods you love as long as you hit your POINTS� Target based on your weight.

Earn Activity POINTS� by exercising and you can swap them for food.

In addition, you have a reserve of 35 FlexPoints to spend throughout the week, however you like.

With FlexPoints, keeping track is easy � no weighing foods and no special foods to buy.

Use your 35 FlexPoints when you need to face a food challenge
- OR -
Choose to not use all of your FlexPoints and boost your weight loss.

Research shows that even a modest weight-loss can help reduce risks and illnesses associated with obesity.

Learn the skills to make smart eating decisions and lasting changes for a healthy lifestyle.

I’ll be back after weigh-in

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 08.26.03
At 12:36 pm
Comments :

2 Comments for this post

Debs Says:

Hey good luck with your weigh in tonight I lost 2 lb this week!!

Amy Says:

Cool - a digital camera - now we’ll get more pics!


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