Less Lisa

weight loss


Fine & Dandy

I apologize once again for the delay between posts. Nothing really to give as an excuse…basically I have just been avoiding the computer (only because I have to SIT STILL to be here…LOL)

I am PROUD to say that I am SERIOUSLY back on the ball, and doing AWESOME. At 9:00 a.m. this morning, I was at work, and figured, I want to walk before it rains AGAIN, so off I went Spent about 35 minutes and did 2 miles I got a new CD walk-man thing with these awesome headphones that just hook to your ears, and let me tell you, what a DIFFERENCE it made while I was walking…that music kept me PUMPED and I did my 2 miles before I even realized it…the awesome thing was, at the end of the 2 miles, I realized I did it without getting horribly out of breath (I wasn’t able to sing, but I wasn’t gasping for air) and I wasn’t SORE!!! My poor body is FINALLY getting used to HAVING to move…LOL…It was such an awesome feeling that I seriously had CHILLS.

On the homefront, I have become *movement-addicted*…I can’t seem to sit still…yesterday I had intended to go into our room, grab a couple of small piles of laundry that I had sorted and take them to the laundry room and get laundry going. Well, I did that, but after picking up the clothes, I started to clean my bedroom, which, BTW, is the MOST neglected room in my house…I’m in there for a shower and sleep pretty much and it was a mess…I ended up vacuuming EVERYTHING, cleaning the windows, dusting, Windex-ing anything shiny…LOL…Clint came in after working outside and I heard him in the kitchen go ‘It smells GOOD’ in here..ROFL…poor thing…doesn’t even know what a CLEAN house should smell like…ROFL…anyways, he comes into the bedroom and goes ‘Are you PREGNANT?!?!?’ ROFL…after the SHOCK of thinking ‘am I???” wore off, I laughed and realized that I don’t think our room had been that clean since we moved in 3 years ago…(kidding of course, but it’s been awhile)

He followed me through the house while I put the kids clothes away, and we started talking and he asked me what’s up with me always on the move and cleaning and all…I told him it seriously keeps me from eating! I LOVE moving and doing and busy stuff…things always seem so much more positive when things are clean and done and no worries…it’s amazing…

Then I JUST got awesome word from our mortgage company that we are able to refinance!!!!! I’m SOOOOO STOKED about this. We have been busting butt trying to get our credit cleaned up and bills paid off, and it’s working…what an AWESOME feeling!!!! I’m SOOOO excited

I’m telling you, between Meggie’s health and tests all being completely normal, and things looking up financially for us, I am thanking God everyday…I’ve been a praying FOOL and boy is God good to us!!!

Filed under : LessLisa
By Lisa
On 07.23.03
At 12:46 pm
Comments :

1 Comment for this post

Mel Says:

WOW…you are fantastic. I wish I had that energy, I can’t help but find inspiration from you. ((Hugs))

I did get your email and started to write you then had to save the draft. I will finish writing it after dinner and send it off to you.

I can’t wait to see your next weigh-in and I especially can’t wait for us to get to the finish line together!

Have a good Friday and a great weigh-in this weekend! Hugs, Mel


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