Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hanging in there!

Posted by Lisa on 01.25.10

For anyone reading who has the teensiest inclination to believe that Gastric Bypass surgery is ‘the easy way out’, you can just put that crap to rest right now. For a very long time in my life, I was that kind of thinker. Then I got serious about it and realized it’s only a ‘tool’. This is probably the hardest thing I have ever been through.

Not that it was a bad decision or not worth it, nor do I regret one second. But it’s NOT easy. For the past 2 weeks, I have been trying to find foods that ‘comfort’ my tummy. Seems all food does is anger it. There are a few things that really do sit well (hard-boiled or scrambled eggs are the very best so far) but it’s really difficult to eat something that tastes so wonderful (even in it’s pureed form) and 10 minutes later, even the mention of the food makes you want to vomit.

Water is just the same. Before my surgery, I LIVED on plain ice water. Now I can’t stomach it. I can taste whatever I’m drinking the water out of (plastic bottles or cups, I can taste the plastic, and Clint and the girls got me an amazingly cute stainless steel water bottle to keep with me at all times, but drinking the water out of it tastes like stainless steel). Seems my taste has become very sensitive. I did find some wonderful lemon water at Aldi’s that I’m going to stock up on this week. It’s not carbonated, no sugar, just plain old lemon flavored water and it goes down SO much easier than anything else at this point.

I made a Chicken Cordon Bleu for dinner last night (Thank you Elizabeth!!!) and we all loved it! I pureed mine and it was so delicious! I took the smallest piece of chicken, pureed it, and got less than 1/2 of it down. It was amazing. Today? Not so much. My tummy didn’t think I should eat it again. Damn tummy.

And I seem to be at the typical 3-week-out weight stall. The scale hasn’t moved an inch in the last 6 days or so. I have stayed exactly the same. But tonight Clint is bringing me home my treadmill !!! My parents had trouble with it, and went and bought a new one, but Clint knows what’s wrong with it and we already ordered and received the part, so he’s fixing it and I get it for the $25.00 that the part cost us!!! WOOT!!! So I’m going to up my exercise along with try and get a bit more fluids in daily, and see if that budges the stall for now.
