Only 5 more days till weigh-in!!! I’m WE’RE kicking butt !!!! Cannot wait!!!
Something else that Karen has done for me is, she’s gotten me to focus on the GOOD in me. I told her how I seriously don’t like much about myself (physically, cept for the legs ya know
) and one thing we are doing for each other when we give our rundown for the day is to tell each other one thing that we really like about ourselves (on the inside)…it’s really a great change for me. I’m such a positive person when it comes to anything else, just not myself and she’s really gotten that going for me and I love it 
And to Miss Elizabeth ( Weight Loss Mommy )…SHE PUT HER SCALE AWAY!!!! (((HUGS))) to you my dear…you’re a wonderful person and you have done so well on your journey!!!!
I should start an official ’scale boycott’. They don’t deserve our attention ladies (and gents) !!! They are for accountability, once a week MAX, only.
Here is my rundown for today
I’m under points again, and don’t use my Activity points, but I AM over 20 again, so I’m good 
Goal points ~ 28
Points used today ~ 25
Breakfast ~
2 eggs, over easy *4 pts.*
2 low-fat sausage links *2 pts.*
2 lite toast *1 pt.*
Morning snack ~
2 cups cantaloupe *2 pts.*
Lunch ~
Romaine lettuce salad w/tomato *0 pts.*
1 grilled chicken breast *2 pts.*
2 TBSP Fat Free ranch dressing *1 pt.*
Afternoon snacks ~
1 serving Baked Lays *2 pts.*
2 sugar free, low fat, fudgecicles *1 pt.*
Dinner ~
1-1/2 Grilled pork chops *6 pts.*
1 C. green beans with 1 TBSP FF italin dressing on them *0 pts.*
Evening snack ~ (I don’t usually eat after dinner, but my points were still a little low, so I needed to)
1 Special K, Vanilla Crisp cereal bar *2 pts.*
1 serv. Baked Lays *2 pts.*
Goal Water intake ~ 100 oz.
Todays water intake ~ 130 oz. 
Goal Activity points ~ 3
Today’s AP’s ~ 5
30 minutes on Lippy (393.5 calories burned, 1.5 miles total)
I have to say THANK YOU to whoever it was (sorry, I so don’t remember) who mentioned that my tension was set too high on Lippy. I was able to do 30 minutes non-stop today. That is a personal record for me. The longest non-stop stretch I ever did on her was 27 minutes (tied yesterday). It’s even a calorie burning record. I always try and shoot for 300 calories each time I get on her, and today was *this close* to 400 calories!! It felt AMAZING. There is NO WAY possible that I will not have a great loss this coming Monday

I am a little nervous about Friday night. Our neighbors want us to go to a local winery for pizza and wine. I told Clint, the only way I will go is if I drink water all night (no alcohol what-so-ever), and usually when our neighbors go, they order this awesome seafood pizza…it’s a white pizza with only seafood and cheese for toppings, so one piece can’t be THAT bad…so that is my plan already; water all night and ONE, I repeat ONE piece of the seafood pizza. I will spare myself some points for that evening so no matter what the points price, I will not be caught short 
LOVE this feeling of control I am having with myself. I DESPISE the out of control feelings and eating and everything that comes along with not staying on plan, and not exercising. I’m on such a natural high right now, how could I have EVER let this go???