Coming out from under my rock…

I won’t begin this post with yet another ‘I’m sorry I haven’t been around’ kinda deal.

Things at work are beginning to be on a really nice even-keel. I am caught up on all of my work daily, and even have some time to spare on getting some small details taken care of and also help my mom stay caught up on her work load. The stress is definitely gone. It feels amazing.

Now it’s time once again to focus on ME.

My weight lately has been an up and down between the same 2-3 lbs. Today began my ‘time’ and I’m feeling the craving for Lippy. That always helps my nauseaus (I cannot for the life of me spell that word) and cramps…so, look out girl, here I come!

We all know the feelings I’m experiencing right now. I have been off track for a bit now, and the feelings pulling me away from Weight Watchers are coming at me again. I feel like I need to follow my points and exercise and drink my water…we all know all of this already. But now I am in the slump again where I start to debate low-carb just to get things rolling again and avoid the cravings. I just don’t think I can do it. I don’t feel healthy when I follow low-carb. I was watching Celebrity Fit Club 3 today (marathon of it) and the dietician on the show has a diet plan he has them all follow that is called the ‘Smash Diet’…phase 1 is nothing but fruits and veggies for the first 9 days. I think keeping my points low and getting in tons of the fruits and veggies is my key to getting back on track, so I’m going to stay faithful to my WW and do just that. Low fats and processed foods, and more fruits and veggies.

I’m finding myself not liking fruit all that much anymore. WEIRD. I always have liked fruit and despised Veggies. Now I CRAVE veggies (especially grilled veggies) and really can’t take much fruit.

I know I told you all about my new running/Lippy shoes, but here they are…they have the ’shox’ all the way across the bottom. They are sooooo comfortable. Only difference is, where these ones are green, mine are grey/silver color…

Alrighty…I’m heading to Lippy…I do believe that possibly tomorrow I will be re-starting my Biggest loser workout challenge once again…

Days go by…


I have now deleted and blocked well over 300 sp@m comments. Take a hint. Your posts will not show up here. Move on. I do not have a penis, therefore I am not in need of any penis enlargement pills, and I guess that covers the need for Viagra as well. Thank you.

To my friends ~

I am still here. I’m doing well, becoming more active in the exercise department once again. Things are kind of leveling off now in the stress situations. We are pretty cozy in our new company. It’s the same building, same office, same people, but we can already feel the ‘good’ this new company is bringing us. It’s been great.

We got Abbie into Latchkey at her school, luckily. There usually are no openings, but when I called there were, so that takes a huge stress off of me as well knowing that she is cared for before and after school. I drop her off in the morning about an hour and a half before school and she is there about 45 minutes after school when Clint picks her up.

Abbie has also started horse-riding lessons. Tomorrow will be her 3rd lesson and her instructor is so impressed with her. She told us not to be surprised when Abbie excels very fast for her age. She is so passionate about horses. This isn’t just a kid ‘I want a pony’ phase for sure :) We’re so proud of her…

Megan is also doing well and adjusting to having to go to grandma and grandpa’s house once in a while when we have people from the new company here in the office. She doesn’t do real well with change, but is definitely doing better now. She can still come to work with me every day, as long as the new guys aren’t here. I like to have her at grandpa’s house just so there’s no stress if she gets upset or whatever and they are here.

Weight-wise, I’m hanging in there…playing with the same 2-3 lbs. basically. I did go out and get some new wonderful shoes specifically for Lippy. They are called Nike Shox. They have the spring looking things on the sole of the shoe. But not just in the heel. They go all the way down to your toes. They are pretty cool. On Lippy, however, they don’t help with the numbness of my foot. It usually happens after about 15 minutes, and it didn’t happen last night until after 20 minutes, so that is a bit better, and also when it happened, I had changed the resistance to a 7 which is kinda high, so that probably played a part and also that I haven’t been doing Lippy very faithfully. Now that I’m getting back in the routine, things may get better :)

I will try and update more often, as well. I don’t get on the computer at all anymore at night. I have actually been in bed at 8:00 p.m. for the past 4 nights. That is so not like me. Getting up at 5:00 a.m. every morning will do that to ya!! :)

Just a quick one…

I’m SOOOO sorry for my lack of posts…I really don’t have time right now to go into everything that’s been going on, so for a quick rundown…

The stress at work was because our company was sold to another company. The fear of the unknown is the WORST. But the wonderful thing is, the new company is amazing. All the changes so far are completely positive. So things there have really gotten much better.

Last Monday I was up one lb. Amazingly this week I maintained. I have no idea how it’s not worse than it is, because I have not had any time for exercising at ALL…literally. Poor Lippy has been fixed for quite some time now, and haven’t used her at all And eating…that’s a whole different story. I don’t think I have counted points in over a week and a half now. The week that was so stressful, I never got above like 17 points everyday…now I have just been eating small amounts when I have time to, so I’m not keeping track, but with the way the scale has been, it can’t be too bad. I’m going to focus this week on counting and exercising…

I had over 100 SPAM comments here since the last time I posted…friggin people…luckily they don’t post till I say whether they can or not…LOL…big fat waste of their time :)

I will be back real soon with more of a post…but I gotta get back to work…thanks for all the comments and e-mails…